For investors and shareholders
Here you'll find key financial information on Repower. You can also find out what we’re already doing and will be doing in terms of sustainability.
2024 half-year results
Facts & Figures
Group earnings
Total operating revenue
Cash flow from operating activities
Financial calendar
09Apr 2025Annual media conference, annual financial statements
14May 2025Annual general meeting
Shares and shareholders
Repower AG registered shares are admitted to trading on the organised trading facilities of Berner Kantonalbank (OTC-X) and Lienhardt & Partner Privatbank Zürich AG. Repower’s three anchor shareholders are Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich (EKZ), Canton Graubünden and (UBS-)Clean Energy Infrastructure Switzerland KmGK (CEIS 3/UBS-CEIS 2).
In % (as of 30 Jun 24) |
Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich |
38.49 |
Kanton Graubünden |
27.00 |
23.04 |
Free Float |
11.47 |
Total |
100 |
These parties participate in the share capital of 7,390,968 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 1.00 each. Percentages are rounded
Corporate governance
Repower’s principles of corporate governance are laid down in the articles of association and in the organisational regulations and related assignment of authority and responsibility.
Our corporate governance report is available in the online report. The main corporate governance documents are as follows: