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About us

Repower has been operating as an electricity producer, distribution grid operator and energy trader for 120 years. Its key markets are Switzerland and Italy. Its head office is in Poschiavo (Graubünden, Switzerland).

Power plants

Repower is the largest energy supplier in Graubünden and operates several hydroelectric power plants and solar installations in the canton. The company’s portfolio in Italy includes wind and solar farms as well as a gas-fired combined cycle power plant.

To the power plants


Sites and offices

Repower’s head office is located in Poschiavo in the very south of Graubünden. It also has offices in Bever, Ilanz, Küblis, Landquart, Zurich and Milan.

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Our supply area

We have a direct line to our customers. Repower builds, operates and maintains distribution grids, substations, transformer stations, kiosks and supply lines right up to the house connection in Prättigau/Rhine Valley, Engadine/Valposchiavo and Surselva. The total length of the grid managed by Repower is around 3,000 kilometres. (The site is not available in English.)

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Any questions?

Looking for more information? We’ll be happy to help you in person.


Monday - Friday 
09:00 AM - 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Repower posts extraordinarily good annual results thanks to international energy trading

In 2023 Repower recorded operating income (EBIT) of CHF 371 million and a group profit of CHF 300 million. It achieved a record result in international energy trading. At the same time, customers in Graubünden are benefiting from electricity tariffs below the Swiss average.